The Preliminary Clinical Study That Could Change Aging Forever

We’re living in the most fortunate era in human history for those in their late 30’s and beyond. 

Let’s face it. The late 30’s used to be a cliff in terms of remaining in our physical prime. 

Now of course, diet, good sleep, and exercise can all help to extend our prime longer somewhat, but we’re beginning to understand key molecules in the human body that play outsized roles in our aging process; specifically, helping to keep us youthful and vibrant. 

And perhaps the most exciting recent development in aging science, is that we now know ways to boost one of these key molecules by 85%†* according to a recent preliminary clinical study.  

I’m talking about Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, better known as NAD+

Simply put, if you want to remain feeling as young and vibrant as possible, you need to prioritize maintaining high NAD+ levels deep into life. 

And here’s why…

Why NAD+ Helps Us Remain Youthful

NAD+ is an absolute cornerstone of cellular health, otherwise known as the building blocks of our body. It supports countless biological processes critical to remaining in your prime, such as: 

  • Supports Energy Production*: NAD+ is essential in the conversion of food into energy, facilitating the metabolic processes within the mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell.

  • Promotes DNA Repair*: It promotes DNA  repair, a critical function that addresses the aspects of aging. 

  • Supports Cellular Communication*: NAD+ plays a role in signaling pathways that are important for cellular communication, which is vital for maintaining healthy aging.

  • Supports Sirtuin Function*: Sirtuins are a family of proteins that depend on NAD+ and are involved in important processes such as DNA repair, and longevity-supporting aspects of aging.

  • Regulates Circadian Rhythms*: NAD+ levels influence circadian rhythms, helping regulate sleep patterns, hormone release, and other bodily functions that tend to decline with age.

  • Supports Cognitive Function*: It supports brain health and cognitive function by aiding in the production of neurotransmitters and the maintenance of neuron health.

  • Promotes Metabolic Efficiency*: NAD+ improves metabolic efficiency by enhancing the body's ability to break down fats and sugars.

  • Supports Muscle Health: NAD+ is involved in maintaining muscle strength and function, which often decline with age.

  • Detoxification Processes*: NAD+ is involved in the detoxification processes that help protect the body from harmful substances and oxidative stress.

But NAD+ Plummets As We Enter Middle Age

In fact, most people’s NAD+ levels are cut in half from age 20 to age 50

So needless to say, science has been hard at work determining how humans can better support high NAD+ levels deep into life, thereby fighting off one of the biggest elements to accelerated aging.

You don’t supplement with NAD+ directly. 

Your body actually makes NAD+. The key though, is to make sure your diet has an abundance of ingredients that aid in the body’s own NAD+ production. 

That’s where NAD+ precursors come in.

NAD+ precursors are specific ingredients you can add to your diet that your body can convert to NAD+ extremely easily, to make it easier for your body to maintain optimal NAD+ levels.

And there’s three NAD+ precursors that are particularly well supported by scientific research, which are: 

1- Niacin: science has known since the 1950’s that your body can convert it into NAD+.

2- Niacinamide: a form of vitamin B3 that also is a research-backed NAD+ precursor.

3- NIAGEN™ (also known as NR): clinically studied to increase NAD+ in healthy and overweight adults an average of 48% over an 8 week period in a placebo-controlled study.†*

But there’s two catches that make supporting your NAD+ levels harder than just taking one of these ingredients.

First of all, everyone’s physiology is slightly different, so your body may have an easier time converting one of those NAD+ precursors to NAD+ than another. For that reason, it’s wise to add all three of them to your diet to maximize your NAD+ production. 

Secondly, NAD+ precursors are not the only ingredients important for maximizing your NAD+ production. 

For example: 

  • Organic Coffeeberry® supplies a low dose of caffeine indicated by research to add to NR’s ability to restore NAD+ levels.*

  • The NAD+ metabolome also relies on the presence of the compound ATP, which itself is activated by supplementing with magnesium

  • Fermented B vitamin complex supplies yeast-derived, highly bioavailable B vitamins critical to supporting ATP (and hence, NAD+) production.* 

  • And high purity trans-resveratrol supports the enzyme NAMPT, which helps convert niacinamide into NAD+.* 

So the key is to support the body’s entire process of NAD+ production in balance, with complementary ingredients. 

The body is a complex system, and so supplementing for NAD+ production requires understanding a field called complex systems science, that actually grasps the role each ingredient plays in supporting NAD+ production, and their relationships to each other. 

Qualia NAD+ Is Unlocking The Key To NAD+ Production

This is where Neurohacker Collective shine. They’re a science team I’ve respected for years who specialize in health formulas premised on complex systems science, with ND, MD, and PhD level expertise informing their products. 

And it's their understanding of these intricacies of the human body that led to their new formula Qualia NAD+. 

It blends all the ingredients already mentioned in this article (plus many others not mentioned), in a vegan, non-GMO, gluten-free powerhouse for promoting NAD+ production. 

And based on a new double-blind, placebo controlled preliminary clinical study, Qualia NAD+ was able to boost NAD+ levels in participants by 85%! *

You can read about the study in its entirety right here.

This is an absolute game-changer for our aging process, and it’s the type of breakthrough that can transform how well WE age compared to our parents, and all generations before.

My Personal Experience So Far With Qualia NAD+ 

Some of the ways Qualia NAD+ helps your aging process aren’t things you can subjectively notice moment to moment. 

But others are! 

For example, I’ve noticed how I can engage a draining event, whether it’s a workout or a mentally tiring meeting, and then just casually transition to the next thing on my plate! 

And then I remember, that used to be easy for me to do! 

I used to look forward to any period of “recoup” on my schedule because I needed it to recharge. Now? It feels like the hours of the day run out before I do! It’s not a “through the roof” energy feeling like overdosing on caffeine or something. It’s way better, because it’s a clean, lasting, steady all-day capacity to handle the physical and mental challenges of any day.*

Where To Get Qualia NAD+ 

You can follow this link to try Qualia NAD+ currently up to 50% off, and Qualia’s San Diego based science team is providing our community an extra 15% off with code NIDDAM15 at checkout.

And tracking your NAD+ levels is becoming a more common offer from leading doctors. You can even track your NAD+ levels these days through at-home products like Jinfinit and others. 

And the Qualia team lets people try Qualia NAD+ for up to 100 days with a full money back guarantee, so if for some reason it doesn’t work for you, there’s no financial risk for over 3 months regardless! 

Boosting your NAD+ levels may be the easiest thing you can do to enhance your aging process for the better. 

I encourage you to add this easy addition for better aging to your daily routine!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

†Disclaimer: This review represents the personal experience and opinions of the author, and is not a guarantee, promise, or reflection of other users’ results.  The author was provided [free product/compensation] in exchange for this endorsement.

Lorenz Ralph Gaño